are regarded as one of the most important devices in our everyday machines
called computers. Microprocessor is an electronic circuit that functions
as the central processing unit (CPU) of a computer, providing computational
microprocessors incorporate arithmetic and logic functional units as well as
the associated control logic, instruction processing circuitry, and a portion
of the memory hierarchy. Portions of the interface logic for the input/output
(I/O) and memory subsystems may also be infused, allowing cheaper overall
systems. While many microprocessors and single chip designs, some high-performance
designs rely on a few chips to provide multiple functional units and relatively
large caches. When combined with other integrated circuits that provide storage
for data and programs, often on a single semiconductor base to form a chip, the
microprocessor becomes the heart of a small computer, or microcomputer.
are classified
by the semiconductor technology of their
design as:
TTL(transistor-transistor logic)
CMOS( complementary-metal-oxide semiconductor)
ECL(emitter-coupled logic)
by the width of the data format they
process as:
by their instruction set
CISC(complex instruction- set computer)
RISC(reduced instruction-set computer)
TTL technology
is most commonly used, while CMOS is favored for portable computers and other battery-powered
devices because of its low power consumption. ECL is used where the need for
its greater speed offsets the fact that it consumes the most power.
devices, while inexpensive, are good only for simple control applications; in
general, the wider the data format, the faster and more expensive the device.
CISC processors,
which have 70 to several hundred instructions, are easier to program than RISC
processors, but are slower and more expensive.
have been described in many different ways. They have been compared with the
brain and the heart of humans. Their operation has been likened to a switched
board, and to the nervous system in an animal. They have often been called
microcomputers. The original purpose of the microprocessor was to control
memory. That is what they were originally designed to do, and that is what they
do today. Specifically, a microprocessor is “a component that implements
The first
digital computers were built in the 1940’s using bulky relay and vacuum-tube
switches. Relays had mechanical speed limitations. Vacuum tubes required
considerable power, dissipated a significant amount of heat, and suffered high
failure rates. Some systems achieved processing rates up to 1,000 operations
per second. In 1947, Bell Laboratories invented the transistor, which rapidly
replaced the vacuum tube as a computer switch for several reasons, including
smaller size, faster switching speeds, lower power consumption and dissipation,
and higher reliability. In the 1960sTexas Instruments invented the integrated
circuit, allowing a single silicon chip to contain several transistors as well
as their interconnections.
Intel 4004
Year of Introduction 1971
4-bit Microprocessor
4 KB main memory
45 instructions
PMOS technology
Was first programmable device which was
used in calculator.
Intel 8008
Year of Introduction 1972
8-bit version of 4004
16 KB main memory
48 instructions
PMOS technology
Intel 8080
Year of Introduction 1973
8-bit microprocessor
64 KB main memory
2 microsecond clock cycle time.
5,00,000 instructions/sec.
30X faster than 8008.
NMOS technology
Drawback was that it need three power supply
Small computers (Micro Computer) were
designed in mid 1970’s using 8080 as CPU.
Intel 8085
Year of Introduction 1975
8-bit microprocessor-upgraded version of
64 KB main memory
1.3 microsecond clock cycle time.
246 instructions/sec.
Intel sold 100 millions copies of this
8-bit microprocessor.
Use only one key power supply
Intel 8086/8088
Year of Introduction 1978 for 8086
16-bit microprocessor.
Data bus width of 8086 is 16 bit and 8
bit for 8088.
1 MB main memory
400 nanosecond clock cycle time.
6 byte instruction cache for 8086 and 4
byte for 8088.
246 instructions/sec.
Other improvement included more register
and additional instruction.
In 1981 Intel decided to use 8088 in its
personal computer.
Intel 80186
Year of Introduction 1982
16-bit microprocessor upgraded version
of 8086.
1 MB main memory
Contained special hardware like
programmable counter, interrupted controller etc.
Never used in PC.
But was ideal for system that requires a
minimum of hardware.
Intel 80286
Year of Introduction 1983
16-bit high performance with memory
management and protection.
16 MB main memory
Instruction execution time is as little
as 250 ns.
Concentrate on features needed to
Intel 80386
Year of Introduction 1986
Intel’s first practical 32 bit
4 GB main memory
Improvement includes page handling in
virtual environment.
Includes hardware circuitry for memory
management and memory assignment.
Memory paging and enhance I/O
Intel 80486
Year of Introduction 1989
32 bit high performance microprocessor.
4 GB main memory
Incorporates 80387-like floating point
8 KB cache on one package.
About half of the instructions executed
in 1 clock instead of 2 on the 80386.
Year of Introduction 1993
32 bit microprocessor, 64 bit data-bus
and 32 bit address bus.
4 GB main memory
Double clock 120 and 133 MHz versions.
Fastest version is the 233 MHz, Dual
integer processor.
16 KB L1 cache (split instruction and
data 8 KB each).
Pentium II Xeon
Year of Introduction 1997
32 bit microprocessor, 64 bit data bus
and 36 bit address bus MMX.
64 GB main memory,.
32 KB split instruction/data L1 cache
(16 KB each).
Module integrated 512 KB L2 cache (133
A version of P2 called Xeon;
specifically designed for high end application.
Pentium III
Year of Introduction 1999
32 bit microprocessor, 64 bit data bus
and 36 bit address bus .
64 GB main memory,.
Dual independent Bus (Simultaneous L2
and system memory access.)
On chip 256 KB L2 cache
P2 was available in clock frequencies of
up to 1 GHz.
Continuing Intel's strategy of
developing processors for specific market segments, the Intel Celeron processor
is designed for the value PC market segment. It provides consumers great
performance at an exceptional value, and it delivers excellent performance for
uses such as gaming and educational software
III (1999)
The Pentium III processor features 70
new instructions. It was designed to significantly enhance Internet
experiences, allowing users to do such things as browse through realistic
online museums and stores and download high-quality video. The processor
incorporates 9.5 million transistors, and was introduced using 0.25-micron
III Xeon (1999)
The Pentium III Xeon processor extends
Intel's offerings to the workstation and server market segments, providing
additional performance for e-Commerce applications and advanced business
computing. The processors incorporate the Pentium III processor's 70 SIMD
instructions, which enhance multimedia and streaming video applications. The
Pentium III Xeon processor's advance cache technology speeds information from
the system bus to the processor, significantly boosting performance. It is designed
for systems with multiprocessor configurations.
Pentium IV
Year of Introduction 2002
32 bit microprocessor, 64 bit data bus
and 36 bit address bus.
64 GB main memory,
L4 to L9 GHz and the latest at 3.20 GHz
1 MB/512 KB/256 KB l2 Cache.
Specialized for streaming video, game
and DVD applications
Microprocessor based systems are used in
instructions, automatic testing product, speed control of motors, traffic light
control, and light control of furnaces etc. it is very useful in the field of
instrumentation. Frequency counters, function generators, frequency
synthesizers, spectrum analyses and many other instruments are available, when
microprocessors are used as controller. It is also used in medical
based controllers are available in home appliances, such as microwave oven,
washing machine etc., microprocessors are being used in controlling various
parameters like speed, pressure, temperature etc. These are used with the help
of suitable transduction
Microprocessors are being used in a wide
range of communication equipments. In telephone industry, these are used in
digital telephone sets. Telephone exchanges and modem etc. The use of
microprocessor in television, satellite communication have made
teleconferencing possible. Railway reservation and air reservation system also
uses this technology. LAN and WAN for communication of vertical information
through computer network.
Microprocessor based micro computer with
software packages has changed the office environment. Microprocessors based
systems are being used for word processing, spread sheet operations, storage
etc. The microprocessor has revolutionized the publication technology.
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